2012年11月18日 星期日

Worship and Renewal 敬拜並恢復

Bible Reading:JOHN 4:20-26

'God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth' (v. 24).

In her conversation with Jesus, the Samaritan woman explained the Samaritan way of worshipping God on the mountain, as instructed by Moses years before:

'When the LORD your God has brought you into the land you are entering to possess, you are to proclaim on Mount Gerizim the blessings .’ (Deuteronomy 11:29)
「及至耶和華你的 神領你進入要去得為業的那地,你就要將祝福的話陳明在基利心山上,將咒詛的話陳明在以巴路山上。」(申命記11:29/CUV)

All they wanted to do was be obedient; to express their love and thanksgiving to God, and to give him honour and praise for who he was. Jesus responded by saying that worship is not about sacrifices given in certain places, but rather worshipping in spirit and in truth.

We are reminded of some other Old Testament verses:

'The multitude of your sacrifices - what are they to me?' says the LORD.
'They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them'
(Isaiah 1:11, 14).

Jesus told the woman that worship must come from the heart.

The Samaritan woman knew of the coming of the Messiah; once he came, he would explain everything to her and her people. The hour had come; and the time was now. Jesus simply said:

'I who speak to you am he' (John 4:26)

The renewal for worship began in the presence of Jesus. When we worship him with all our heart and are led by the Spirit, this is true worship. It is to be reflected in our daily life - in all we say and do.
真敬拜的恢復,始於耶穌的同在。當我們全心全意尊崇祂並由聖靈來引導,這就是真正的敬拜。敬拜其實是要去體現在我們的日常生活 - 全部的言行與作為之中。


All my heart I give to you, Lord, day by day. Help me always to worship you in spirit and in truth.

作者 Major Beverly Ivany 

中譯 Major Sephen Liang 梁少校
選自 Words Of Life  - ISBN 978 1 444 70264 4 - 20120603
版權聲明:英文原文來自 The Salvation Army SP&S Ltd 出版發行的《Words of Life》。文中所引用聖經譯本(例如 CUV)經文來源內容外,作者和出版者保留著作權利。引用或連結轉貼敬請取得同意並附上出處來源。



