2012年11月26日 星期一

Prayers of Thanksgiving 謝恩的禱告

Bible Reading:1 THESSALONIANS 5:12-24

'Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus' (vv. 16-18).

It's so important to give thanks to God when we pray. To thank him for what's he's done, and for what he's going to do in the days to come. To thank him for the new day, the blue sky, the rainfall, for creation. To thank him for blessing after blessing after blessing.

We must thank God just for who he is. Praise includes this. Do we come before God with a strong sense of who he is? Can we even begin to comprehend it all? The psalmist put it this way:
我們應當為了上帝是 神(或祂一切屬性作為的偉大)而稱謝祂。讚美當包括這點才是。來到祂的面前禱告,我們是否對祂具有強烈的感受?甚至開始能夠領會這一切的意義呢?詩人這樣說:

'Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no-one can fathom’ (Psalm 145:3)

We need to thank God for the gift of life, daily. In praising him we are to bless, worship, glorify, extol and magnify him. To be filled with a positive spirit of thanksgiving, thanking him for our health and well-being. We must not be unrealistic or false in our positive spirit - for bad things do happen to good people. Tragedies happen, sorrow may come, people get sick. But thanking him for what we do possess, at least for this day, is a true sign of gratitude.

We need to thank God, in our prayers, for family and friends. They're not to be taken for granted. They're to be treasured and cherished. And let's not forget to thank God for our Salvation Army corps or our church; the people of God, the community of believers. For each member helps us grow and mature in our faith.

I close with a word from Brother Lawrence. He says that prayer has to do with 'a simple attentiveness and a loving gaze upon God'. May we always thank God for his loveliness, and continue to gaze upon his beautiful countenance - now, and always.

我要用勞倫斯弟兄(Brother Lawrence)的一句話來做結尾。他說祈禱必須具有「一種純粹注目於上帝而充滿愛的目光」。願我們永遠為著上帝的美好感謝祂,而且目光不住凝望著祂的榮面-從今,直到永遠。

作者 Major Beverly Ivany 

中譯 Major Sephen Liang 梁少校
選自 Words Of Life  - ISBN 978 1 444 70264 4 - 20120503
版權聲明:英文原文來自 The Salvation Army SP&S Ltd 出版發行的《Words of Life》。文中所引用聖經譯本(例如 CUV)經文來源內容外,作者和出版者保留著作權利。引用或連結轉貼敬請取得同意並附上出處來源。


2012年11月18日 星期日

Worship and Renewal 敬拜並恢復

Bible Reading:JOHN 4:20-26

'God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth' (v. 24).

In her conversation with Jesus, the Samaritan woman explained the Samaritan way of worshipping God on the mountain, as instructed by Moses years before:

'When the LORD your God has brought you into the land you are entering to possess, you are to proclaim on Mount Gerizim the blessings .’ (Deuteronomy 11:29)
「及至耶和華你的 神領你進入要去得為業的那地,你就要將祝福的話陳明在基利心山上,將咒詛的話陳明在以巴路山上。」(申命記11:29/CUV)

All they wanted to do was be obedient; to express their love and thanksgiving to God, and to give him honour and praise for who he was. Jesus responded by saying that worship is not about sacrifices given in certain places, but rather worshipping in spirit and in truth.

We are reminded of some other Old Testament verses:

'The multitude of your sacrifices - what are they to me?' says the LORD.
'They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them'
(Isaiah 1:11, 14).

Jesus told the woman that worship must come from the heart.

The Samaritan woman knew of the coming of the Messiah; once he came, he would explain everything to her and her people. The hour had come; and the time was now. Jesus simply said:

'I who speak to you am he' (John 4:26)

The renewal for worship began in the presence of Jesus. When we worship him with all our heart and are led by the Spirit, this is true worship. It is to be reflected in our daily life - in all we say and do.
真敬拜的恢復,始於耶穌的同在。當我們全心全意尊崇祂並由聖靈來引導,這就是真正的敬拜。敬拜其實是要去體現在我們的日常生活 - 全部的言行與作為之中。


All my heart I give to you, Lord, day by day. Help me always to worship you in spirit and in truth.

作者 Major Beverly Ivany 

中譯 Major Sephen Liang 梁少校
選自 Words Of Life  - ISBN 978 1 444 70264 4 - 20120603
版權聲明:英文原文來自 The Salvation Army SP&S Ltd 出版發行的《Words of Life》。文中所引用聖經譯本(例如 CUV)經文來源內容外,作者和出版者保留著作權利。引用或連結轉貼敬請取得同意並附上出處來源。


2012年11月12日 星期一

Holy Spirit - Holy Life 聖靈-是聖潔的生命

Bible Reading:JOHN 14:25-27

'But the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you' (v.26).

Jesus explained to his disciples that the task of the Holy Spirit was to teach them all things, and to remind them of his teachings. Later in John's Gospel he also said:

'When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment' (16:8)

This verse is also very important. Believers are to commit fully to the Lord, living a life of holiness and righteousness. Many still live in sin. Many deny Christ, going their own way. They do not believe that Christ came to save humankind and reconcile them to God. People today think they are fine to live life as they want to live it. They refuse to believe in God's way, and in God's holiness.
這節經文也是非常重要。信徒就是要全然委身於主基督,活出聖潔和公義的生活。許多人依舊活在罪中。不少人仍會否認基督,偏行己路。他們不相信基督來為要拯救人類,並使他們與 神和睦。今天人們認為他們正生活在他們所要的不錯的生活。他們推卻不信(拒絕)與 神的聖潔有份的方式。

God protects his people. He has, from generation to generation. It is not the will of God that anyone be lost. It is not his will that we be caught up in sin, and the pollution of the world. Through his Holy Spirit he desires to illumine the minds of his people so that they will understand his Word. He wants to lead them into all truth. The Holy Spirit wants everyone to live holy lives; to turn from the temptations of world, and desire only him. He wants us to only glorify Christ.

God's truth leads us to this holy life. If we are obedient to his teachings, rejecting sinful thoughts and actions that produce sin, the Holy Spirit will free us. He wants to dwell in each of our hearts, so we can promote Christ's holy way of life. He wants to dwell in our hearts, so we can live a life of holiness for our God.
神的真理是引導我們朝向這般的聖潔生活。如果我們順從祂教導,拒絕罪惡的思想和造孽的行動,聖靈會令我們得釋放(得救、得自由)。祂想住在我們每一顆心靈中,使我們基督聖道的生命可以增進。祂希望住在我們心中,使我們可以為榮耀 神而過聖潔的生活。


Dear Lord, and precious Holy Spirit, I am unworthy. I cannot live a holy life without you. God, remain with me and guide me always.

作者 Major Beverly Ivany 

中譯 Major Sephen Liang 梁少校
選自 Words Of Life  - ISBN 978 1 444 70264 4 - 20120603
版權聲明:英文原文來自 The Salvation Army SP&S Ltd 出版發行的《Words of Life》。文中所引用聖經譯本(例如 CUV)經文來源內容外,作者和出版者保留著作權利。引用或連結轉貼敬請取得同意並附上出處來源。


2012年11月4日 星期日

Holy Spirit - the Helper 聖靈-是幫助者

Bible Reading:JOHN 14:15-18

'I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you' (vv.16,17).

Jesus called the Holy Spirit 'Counsellor', the 'Spirit of truth'. These names denote both his nature and activity. He is one who comforts, and also one who assists and helps. He is an advocate, intercessor, friend. According to his name, everything he does is all about truth. He encourages believers to live according to all truth, and to bear much fruit.

Jesus understood his disciples, knowing them far better than they knew themselves. He knew it would be difficult for them when he was no longer with them. As the great Teacher and the Good Shepherd, he did not wish for them to believe in false teachings, or to go astray. He did not want them to fall short of their life goals in him, or not to find happiness in Christ. So Jesus prayed to his Father that another Comforter would come to be with them, guide them, and help them conform to God's will. He assured the disciples that the Holy Spirit would abide with them and dwell within them. This truth was for them - and it is for us today as well.
耶穌了解他門徒,遠甚於他們的自知。他理解即將要分離他們會有的困難。身為偉大的師尊好牧人,他不樂見他們信從假師傅的錯誤教導,或誤入歧途。他不希望他們的人生達不到他的目標、或在基督裡的喜樂幸福。因此耶穌求聖父另外賜給一位保惠師來與他們同在,指導他們,幫助他們符合(遵守) 神的旨意。他向門徒保證這位聖靈要與他們同在又居住在他們中間。果然這事實臨到了他們 - 在今也一樣要臨到我們。

Jesus lived, helping and strengthening his disciples. He comforted, counselled and defended them in times of trouble and affliction. He became their friend, saving all those who believed in him. The Holy Spirit comes to each of us, comforting, counselling. He is our friend. He reveals to us the truth of God, helping us at all times.

This same Holy Spirit encourages us to be obedientto God. He sees corruption in the world; he sees temptation all around; he sees disobedience and sin. He wants to be our helper in such a world, and desires to rest in our heart - revealing to us only God's truth. We can count on him, if we obey God's holy will for our lives.
這位聖靈同樣地鼓勵我們順從上帝。祂見到世上腐敗;祂見到誘惑試探無所不在;祂見到悖逆和罪惡。在一個如此世界中祂想作我們的幫助,渴望在我們心中住下向我們透露 神獨一的真理。我們真的可以指望祂,如果我們的生活有意願順服上帝聖潔的旨意


Holy Spirit, forgive me for all my sins. Dwellin me, and help me to live according to God's perfect will.
聖靈啊,赦免我一切的過犯,與我同在同住,幫助我照著 神善美的旨意去過活。

作者 Major Beverly Ivany 

中譯 Major Sephen Liang 梁少校
選自 Words Of Life  - ISBN 978 1 444 70264 4 - 20120603
版權聲明:英文原文來自 The Salvation Army SP&S Ltd 出版發行的《Words of Life》。文中所引用聖經譯本(例如 CUV)經文來源內容外,作者和出版者保留著作權利。引用或連結轉貼敬請取得同意並附上出處來源。




《Words of Life》



聖靈-是幫助者 The Spirit - the Helper
聖靈-是聖潔的生命 Holy Spirit - Holy Life 


敬拜並恢復 Worship and Renewal 


謝恩的禱告 Prayers of Thanksgiving
